Monday, July 7, 2008

Back After a Blogging Break

Note to self: Never take a break from blogging! I have no idea where to begin!

First of all, let me update on David. He has been back at work for about a week and a half. He is still in a considerable amount of pain off and on - especially during the night. He doesn't have to use a walker (he actually only used that for about the first week or so) and will wear a back brace for the next 8 weeks. It is a very slow process, but hopefully it will be one that he will look back on and be thankful that he went through. We should see a great deal of improvement in the coming months.

Now, on to Jackson and Carter. They have been quite the little characters lately. I feel like I always say that, but they just constantly do things to crack us up! I posted on an earlier date about how they love to run around the living room like wild children after they have their pj's on. It's like it's their cue to gear up for craziness. Anyways, their newest thing is to get their hooded towels from the bathroom and put them on their heads and pretend to be super-heroes. Jackson usually prefers the Lightning McQueen superhero towel and Carter sports Mickey Mouse, The Superhero. Carter is so cute when he comes up to me and asks for his towel. In his cute little voice he'll say "hewo" (as in "hero") and point to the towel.

We are gearing up for Jackson's big birthday. We will have a small family get-together for his actual party and then next Wednesday we're going to have some of his friends help him celebrate at our neighborhood pool. I can't believe he's going to be 4! I feel like I'm going to blink and Carter will be 2!

Also, I decided not to go back to work in the fall after all. I know, I'm so wishy-washy. But, the truth is, the closer it came time for me to actually go back to work, I decided it might not be so much fun after all :-) By the way, did I mention that both boys will be in Mother's Day Out 3 days a week starting in Sep? I think those 3 days may have been what changed my mind :-) I know there is so much more to catch up on, but for now, I'll just leave you with pictures. The video at the end is a glimpse of the superheroes in action.


Warner Family said...

So glad to hear things are well, and that David is back in action. I've been thinking about and praying for y'all--good to see those cute boys again!